Thursday, September 29, 2005

Prayer for Robin

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Help me to remember the good things about Robin. Right now it is painful to think about her baggy jeans, her cool historic house, her new environmentally friendly car, her sweet old dog. I can’t help but picture her in her “David Lynch bathroom“ (a room partially painted a garish red, only to have been abandoned mid project due to the unintended effects of the color) feeling desperate and alone.

Help me to help the others who were touched by her, who knew of her depression and who could not help her in her time of need. Particularly watch over Marie, who spoke with Robin every day, and was aware of the chemicals Robin had obtained which could be mixed to lethal effect.

Help me to understand why I couldn’t adequately share my own experience and recovery from depression, and give her hope. Her words ring in our ears, God: “I’m doing everything right, I’m doing everything I am supposed to do… why don’t I feel better?” Let those of us who were touched by her life understand the lessons she had brought for us.

Wherever she may be now, please let Robin find the peace that she did not have in this life, the peace for which she fought so desperately.
